Our main character is the alien prince who's decided to crash Yukitaka's apartment, steal his cloths, and generally make a pest of himself. The rest of the story is a collection of vignettes following the adventures of the Prince and other aliens as they try to hide out, find love, or just have a good time.
Level E has two main potential problems. The first seems to be a chronic issue in Yoshihiro Togashi's work. He constantly apologizes for his own drama and tragedy."Those aliens that are swarming the building will kill us for sure!" "Psych, they just want to watch baseball!" "This plot is so sad and unfair" "Just kidding, it's a story within a story!" Now this isn't to say that this isn't amazing sometimes: the plot is very good at throwing you for a loop and surprising you, but some people feel this story-telling is overly manipulative.
The second potential problem is the Prince. Since he takes up most of the screen time, your ability to enjoy his antics will impact your view of the rest of the show. He isn't exactly sympathetic, having no more noble goal than to enjoy himself at all costs, a tendency that has even his bodyguards on the verge of mutiny. He is, however, fun to watch. Even when he descends to the absolute pits of amorality, it's hard to stay mad. Still, if you need to approve of your protagonists, this one's gonna be rocky.
However, this show is not devoid of pathos, as the various other characters shuffling in and out of the story will definitely grab your attention and sometimes your heart-strings.
The best aspect of this show overall is definitely its comedy. Yoshihiro Togashi peppers this thing with all sorts of references (from the sentai "Color Rangers" to the above E.T. gag), and it makes for a great laugh.
Art wise, this show is much more realistic looking than what Togashi fans may be expecting. The color scheme isn't too subdued nor is it ridiculously bright. There is some fairly noticeable CG, some of it well used some of it... not so well used...
Musically, this show isn't exactly toe-tapping, but it does its job, occasionally incorporating that "Weee-ooo-we-yow" riff that has become so associated with space men (kind of a nice touch). Mostly, you won't notice it, though. The opening and ender are both epic j-rock and are lots of fun.
Sub or Dub? So far there's only a sub, but it is sufficiently well-voiced that I don't think there needs to be a dub. (though I'd like to see someone try to top it. Come on Funimation... You know you want to!)
Story: A+
Characters: A-
Visuals: A-
Music: B+
Overall: A- (or a little lower)
a fun little romp that probably won't make you think too much, but is really worth a watch for scifi or comedy fans. Moral fiber isn't really the point here, so if you need that, you might want to look else where.
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